Do you mind if I kill you and steal your children to sell them as pets?

Think, Stop, Act! Created by Graham Finch, painted by Jo Cox

If things don’t change soon, if the main threats to orangutans (and all other animals relying on the rain forest as their home) – palm oil, deforestation, poaching and hunting – are not addressed in a serious, urgent and sustained manner, wild orangutans will be gone from this earth.

So what, it’s no big deal is it?

How many dumb animals are reading this, all of us unless we take action. Every animal that we lose, every insect that we eradicate, every area of natural beauty that we destroy, both on land and sea, takes us another step closer to our own ultimate extinction – how dumb is this!

Orangutans are found only in the rain forests of the Southeast Asian islands of Borneo and Sumatra. They spend nearly their entire lives in trees, swinging in tree tops and building nests for sleep

They have lost well over 80% of their habitat in the last 20 years, and an estimated one-third of the wild population died during the forest fires of 1997-98.

The DNA of the Orangutan is 97% the same as humans. They are clever, they have emotions similar in all respects to ours. They are susceptible to the same illnesses as us.

When they see their homes being destroyed, they know what is happening albeit they don’t know why, and they understand how dangerous this is for them.

Should We Avoid Palm Oil?

At a macro level, of course we should, we could certainly get by without it, but we are in the real world, fuelled by greed, at all levels, which sadly must be satisfied.

The answer then is the same as it is for many other climatic and environmental issues. We are where we are but let’s make sure things don’t get any worse, let’s preserve what we have and put pressure on companies, by ACTION, to call them to account.

“Avoiding palm oil could have worse effects because it might take support away from companies that are trying hard to improve the situation. This could encourage companies to use other products that may have even more impact on the environment. Palm oil is by far the most efficient vegetable oil to grow as it takes less land to produce than other vegetable oils. Palm oil can be produced in a responsible manner that respects the environment and the communities where it is commonly grown.”

World Wildlife Fund

Think About This.

Have you ever lost a child, maybe through illness or tragic accident?

If you have then we can all imagine how you felt, do you think an Orangutan feels any different when it witnesses members of its own family being mutilated and killed?

Do you mind if I burn down your house?

Do you mind if I cut off all of your local food supplies meaning you must travel much further for food and the trip you now make has many dangers.

Do you mind if I kill you and steal your children to sell them as pets?

Do you mind - You do!!

Do you mind that this is happening to our wildlife every day to satisfy the demands of you, the consumer.

Do you mind that Orangutans suffer severe depression and often die of grief when their infrastructure is torn apart.

Do you mind that as we eliminate animals and insects at an alarming rate, we move another step closer to our own demise!

Of course you mind, but maybe you feel unable to help, to create any real change, maybe you are too busy worrying about the state of the world for humans and have no time to worry about an ape!

But think again, most of the worlds human conflicts are driven by power plays, greed, a quest for ultimate control, and many of the worlds human conflicts are funded, ultimately, by the very mega corporations which satisfy your demand for consumer products, everything is interlinked.

Fortunately, there are organisations, charities, people all over the world that really care and try to do something but it is hard, they are generally underfunded and often quite small.

But imagine this, just for a moment, that you and millions more in the UK decided to do something, just a small act, but repeated millions of times by us all, what impact would these small actions make?

A Tsunami of change would occur, so why not do 3 small things today, to help the Orangutan, who only needs help because of what we have done to their forests. 


1.     Buy a deluxe art poster and we will put £2 into our charity account to be donated to suitable charities, our funds and donations are open for public inspection.

2.     Display your poster and really think about it, look at it every day, wonder how these magnificent animals are getting along, chances are they are doing things very similar to you. Finding food, looking after the kids, teaching them good from bad, making their beds ready for nightfall, you see, so similar to us.

3.     Download the App Palm Oil Scan and start to check out all of your items before you buy, if the companies who make them have a poor record in responsible palm oil management put the product back on the shelf, money is the only language these corporations understand, it’s all they really care about, hit them in their bank balance and force them to change.


3 small acts requiring little effort but repeated millions of times, creates a Tsunami of change!!


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